less than 1 minute read


This is probably my first blog post. I thought to warm up by sharing how I met Jekyll and introduced it to my container friend, Mr. podman.

It all started while preparing my talk to PyCon IL. I realized that a blog could have been very helpfull in gathering the ideas for such a talk. Lesson learned, I am on it.


After a little search, I lended up with Jekyll, a GitHub friend which is open source, simple and a nice looking static website/blog generator.

So what do I need to make my blog work?

My containarized Jekyll

Here comes podman for the rescue.

Assuming you have prepared the needed Jekyll configuration and backbone (see https://github.com/EdDev/eddev.github.io for an example), you are ready to launch your masterpiece.

To run the Jekyll locally:

  • build the container
    sudo podman build --rm -t jekyll-server -f ./automation/Dockerfile.jekyll .
  • enter its console:
    sudo podman run --rm -ti -v ${PWD}:/jekyll:Z --net=host jekyll-server bash
  • run the server:
    cd jekyll


