1 minute read


Kubernetes exposes API/s to modify its objects, each with special behavior and characteristics.

The existence of multiple methods that mutate an object is sometimes confusing, potentially causing suboptimal usage.

We will start by covering the existing methods and continue focusing on usages that fit them.

Operations on Objects

The K8S API server supports several operations which can be used on an object.

These operations are exposed at different layers of the stack, from the low level HTTP, through the clientset and up to the application (e.g. kubectl).

The following diagram illustrates the relation.


Mutable Operations

This section focuses on mutable operations.

Note: The Create and Delete operations are excluded.

There are 3 mutable operations that can be performed on an object:

Note: Apply has also a client-side implementation, which uses the server-side Patch. It is a pattern used by kubectl and can be mimic by other application (e.g. controllers).


The update operation replaces an existing object content with the new content. In case some fields have not been included in the update, they would be removed on the server-side.

The operation is using the opportunistic lock method using the resourceVersion field.


The patch operation has 3 variations:

Server Side Apply

SSA is the most recent method introduced by Kubernetes to modify and own specific fields in the object manifest.


There are various scenarios and cases to modify an object.

The following list is probably incomplete, but still should provide enough usage context to allow evaluating which method fits better.

  • Client that needs to update multiple fields based on other fields content.
    • When the client is the owner.
    • When the client is not the owner.
  • Multiple clients, that each own specific fields.
  • Client/s need to update individual fields:
    • When the new values dependent on existing fields content.
    • When the new values do not depend on other fields.
  • Client/s are interested in modifying the object in a declarative manner.